Paragon of Power , 2020
24 x 18 in (h x w)
Digital Painting

I wanted to portray the idea of the protagonist Milo confronting Ember, a gargantuan of rock and fire. I thought it would be cool for her to be huge and intimidating to show that she is undoubtedly beyond human. An interesting idea that came with it was the central composition; central compositions usually make it feel like the subject(s) of the painting are of great significance.

Mehr von Massachusetts College of Art and Design

From My Bedroom Window , 2021
13 x 9.8 in (h x w)
acrylic gouache, color pencils, gel pens on water color paper
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Intertwined , 2021
8.3 x 12 in (h x w)
Graphite, colored pencil, Ink
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Happy Place , 2021
16 x 14.6 x 3 in (h x w x d)
Bristol paper, Construction Paper, wire, felt, fabric, sequins, printed photos, air-dry clay
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
By the Window , 2021
10 x 12 in (h x w)
Charcoal and Paper
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
The Garlic , 2021
12 x 9 in (h x w)
Massachusetts College of Art and Design