SERENITY Turalba Lanny Cerquina, Philippines. We stop a little to sip some water and that is when I took out my phone in my pocket and pointed out at the sea to take one click, and we continued walking as it is late, and we are hurrying to go home.

Mehr von Harvard University Asia-related Centers

Pilgrims worship the large Shiva lingam at Kailash Hill, showering it with rice and other offerings during the festival of Bala Chaturdasi, when families make pilgrimage to honor deceased family members. Pashupatinath temple grounds, Kathmandu, 1988.
Harvard University Asia-related Centers
A sick man is portered from his village to the hospital at Khadbhari, over two days’ walk away. Arun Khola, Sankhuwasabha district, 1987.
Harvard University Asia-related Centers
A Newar father and son manufacture bricks from wet clay during the winter season at brickyards near Bhaktapur. The bricks are set out to dry in the winter air before being baked in the kilns. Kathmandu Valley, 1987.
Harvard University Asia-related Centers
The sadhu Shyam Puri Naga Baba visits Pagalananda Baba's aghori dhuni (sacred fire) at the ghats, the place of funeral cremations. Aghori sadhus, followers of Shiva, live and practice rituals at these charnel. Pashupatinath, Kathmandu, 1987.
Harvard University Asia-related Centers
5 A boy visits his sannyasi grandparents at the Manakamana Ashram. Sannyasi at the ashram depend on the generosity of visitors or family members for their daily sustenance. Southern Sankuwaswaba district, 1986.
Harvard University Asia-related Centers