SERENITY Turalba Lanny Cerquina, Philippines. We stop a little to sip some water and that is when I took out my phone in my pocket and pointed out at the sea to take one click, and we continued walking as it is late, and we are hurrying to go home.

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TURTLE Ermawati, Indonesia. Photo taken at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve.
Harvard University Asia-related Centers
HANGING DRY Clarisse de Guzman Victorio, Philippines. Poles of colorful clothes are left out of HDB to dry under the hot sun,
Harvard University Asia-related Centers
THE SMILE Clarisse de Guzman, Philippines. On a hot day in Chinatown, an old man with his bicycle delivers eggs with a smile.
Harvard University Asia-related Centers
Zebra Crossing
Harvard University Asia-related Centers
In Exile
Harvard University Asia-related Centers