Circus of Emotion , 2020
16 x 20 in (h x w)
Multimedia acrylic-digital painting

The clown can be seen as a buffer between a vulnerable self and the harshness of reality. The safety of the clown character can allow one to express themselves with more confidence and clarity.

Mehr von Massachusetts College of Art and Design

晚饭后的惬意 【Be Pleased】 , 2021
20 x 11.2 in (h x w)
Sterling silver, branches, wood sheet, modeling brushes
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Butterfly Effect , 2021
27 x 18 in (h x w)
Fashion Design
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Phantasia , 2021
24 x 19.2 in (h x w)
3d, fabric
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Doily Gown , 2021
20 x 13.3 in (h x w)
Upcycled Fabric & Doilies
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Working From Bed , 2021
20 x 13.3 in (h x w)
cotton, Poly-Fill, Fleece, Knit Fabric
Massachusetts College of Art and Design