Sacred Datura at Sunrise
30 x 30 in (h x w)
not for sale

What’s in a name? Datura wrightii, Toloachè, Belladonna, Jimsonweed, Thorn Apple, Devil’s Weed, Angel’s Trumpet, Sacred Datura… These names give us an idea of humans’ view of this plant - beautiful, frightening, holy, unkempt. All are fitting, but I chose Sacred Datura for the title of this painting to give the viewer a sense of the reverence I feel towards the plants that have evolved to fill special needs in the natural world. Several moths with appropriately descriptive names like sphinx moth and hawk moth are pollinators for this beautiful flower. Plants and insects rely on each other for the survival of their species. The pleasure we receive at the sight and fragrant smell of this plant is irrelevant to them, but not to us.

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