Young Nepali tourists at the Narayanhiti Royal Palace Museum. The palace, including the royal bedroom and the demolished pavilion where the June 2001 massacre of the royal family occurred, is now open to the public. Kathmandu, 2010.

Mehr von Harvard University Asia-related Centers

Caterpillar of Tailed Jay Butterfly (Graphium agamemnon) 綠斑鳳蝶的幼蟲 Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan 陽明山國家公園,台灣 May 2016
Harvard University Asia-related Centers
Harvestman (Opiliones) with parasitic red mites 紅色的蟎蟲寄生在盲蛛身上 Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan 陽明山國家公園,台灣 May 2016
Harvard University Asia-related Centers
Praying mantis nymph カマキリの幼虫 Institute for Nature Education Park, Tokyo 国立科学博物館 附属自然教育園,東京 June 2016
Harvard University Asia-related Centers
A cicada (Cicadoidea) freshly emerged from its larval exoskeleton 剛剛羽化的蟬 Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan 陽明山國家公園,台灣 May 2016
Harvard University Asia-related Centers
Katydid (Tettigoniidae) 螽蟴 Lijia Forest Trail, Taiwan 利嘉林道,台灣 May 2016
Harvard University Asia-related Centers