Carbon Criminal Sentence , 2024
150 x 150 x 2 cm (h x w x d)

Although there are huge differences in individuals’ production of carbon and GHG, everyone is harmed equally by the consequence of this pollution. This disparity constitutes an injustice and people must be held responsible.

Carbon Criminal Sentence pictures a punishment for such crime where offenders are sent to clean the atmosphere. The system is governed by a new world constitution that is inspired by the human rights declaration:

« Article 1: All humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights; they are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood and earth protection.
Article 2 : All newborn citizens of the world receive birth certificates and a carbon footprint counter with a carbon budget of 100 tons.
Article 3: Any citizen of the world who exceeds the carbon budget threshold defined in article 2 shall be sentenced to a carbon criminal universal labor service.
…… »

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Art Thinking Network

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