“Gea”, 2023-24

“Gea”, 2023-24
Installazione con tecnica mista: materica, scultura, pittura acrilica.
Materiali: legno, metalli, plastica, prodotto cementizio, materiali ceramici e litoidi, componenti elettronici, lastre radiografiche, carta.
Dimensione installazione: alt. cm. 283, larg. cm. 194, spes. medio cm. 40.
Dimensione pannelli: alt. cm. 119, larg. cm. 92, spes. medio cm. 12
-Questa installazione è un mezzo per evidenziare i segnali che la Terra, ferita e abusata, ci manda e per ritrovare quel contatto empatico uomo-natura ormai perso.

Autopresentazione di Gea: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aNMJ1bduMV5w-yUx-AKJIr7W4GY8073x/view?…

Contact: ant.froio@alice.it, ntnfroio@gmail.com
Installation with mixed media: material, sculpture, acrylic painting.
Materials: wood, metals, plastic, cement product, ceramic and lithoid materials, electronic components, x-ray plates, paper.

Installation dimension: height. cm. 283, width. cm. 194, thick. medium cm. 40.
Panel size: height. cm. 119, width. cm. 92, thick. medium cm. 12

-This installation is a means to highlight the signals that the Earth, wounded and abused, sends us and to rediscover that empathic contact between man and nature that has now been lost.

Gea’s self-introduction https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aNMJ1bduMV5w-yUx-AKJIr7W4GY8073x/view?…

Contact: ant.froio@alice.it, ntnfroio@gmail.com

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