The Lover , 2020
18 x 13.5 in (h x w)
Digital Illustration

The Lover is the energy of the individual who feels a deeper understanding of the world. There is a tenderness in The Lover’s soul, not allowing external influence alter the motive, with strong confidence in doing so. He loves profoundly, but precisely and sufficiently.

The Lover teaches the child the strength of male tenderness. The confidence in understanding passionate feelings, in ways that surpass solely romantic aspects.

The energy of the Lover archetype require the responsibilities of understanding worldly temptations, intimate relationships and being ones true self. The Lover has a rich relationship with things on a deeper level, and is not afraid to manifest it.

The Lover is often times a misunderstood aspect of male psychology in today’s society, particularly in the Western American world, and The Lover energy teaches the man to feel as all human’s should. aspect. The truest masculine psyche also holds qualities traditionally understood as feminine.

Mehr von Massachusetts College of Art and Design

晚饭后的惬意 【Be Pleased】 , 2021
20 x 11.2 in (h x w)
Sterling silver, branches, wood sheet, modeling brushes
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Butterfly Effect , 2021
27 x 18 in (h x w)
Fashion Design
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Phantasia , 2021
24 x 19.2 in (h x w)
3d, fabric
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Doily Gown , 2021
20 x 13.3 in (h x w)
Upcycled Fabric & Doilies
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Working From Bed , 2021
20 x 13.3 in (h x w)
cotton, Poly-Fill, Fleece, Knit Fabric
Massachusetts College of Art and Design