Keep It Terse | Restons laconiques
105 x 59.5 in (h x w)

Beverly Cummings was born and lives in Ottawa, Canada. She has previously published poetry in a number of little magazines most recently the online journals The Steel Chisel, Monday’s Poem, Dead Flowers: A Poetry Rag, Bywords, Angel House Press and CMHA Saskatchewan Division magazine Transition. She has been a frequent contributor to The Voice and Open Minds Quarterly. She has three times placed as an Honourable Mention in Open Minds Quarterly’s annual Brainstorming poetry contest. She has a recent chapbook I Take Off My Disguise published by The Baton Press and two trade books: Keep it Terse and A GOOD DEATH. In Cummings’ work there is always the question: “Have I done what I set out to do? Make madness an artistic experience?” More information can be found on her website:

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