Standing Tall | Debout, la tête haute , 2019
13.2 x 34 in (h x w)
Audio Recording

“Standing Tall” was written in January 2019 in the comforts of my living room. When the song was completed I sat back and knew that what was written needed to be shared with others. The song talks about the various challenges we face in life, and that although the storm may knock us down – with the help and support of others we are able to pick ourselves back up and keep moving on.
Janet Schonewille is a Teacher, Registered Social Service Worker, Health Care Worker and First Aid Instructor living in Kenora, Ontario. Janet has directed High School and Community Theater productions and is an aspiring songwriter who loves to play guitar, piano and sing. She received recognition and performed her song “Standing Tall” at the John Bassett Theater in Toronto, ON in May 2019. Janet is a mom to two golden retrievers – one of which is a therapy dog that works with the elderly and school aged children.

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heART of healthCARE

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