Small Baby Care Logo | Logo pour les soins aux petits bébés
12.2 x 12.2 in (h x w)
Digital Logo Design

Small Baby Care is an evidence-based practice demonstrated to improved outcomes for a high risk population (infants born < 29 weeks gestational age) when standardized care is implemented. Our goal is to provide family integrated, developmentally supportive, consistent care for the first 7 days of life or until 26 weeks corrected gestational age to improve survival without morbidity for all actively treated infants born at less than 29 weeks gestation at BCW.

Ausgestellt von

heART of healthCARE

Mehr von heART of healthCARE

24 x 24 x 1 in (h x w x d)
Collage on Canvas
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SkyOceanBirds | CielOcéanOiseaux
48 x 60 in (h x w)
Digital Collage
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There is a Pattern | Il y a un motif , 2012
16 x 16 in (h x w)
Mixed media on paper
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Sitting In Sunlight | Assis dans la lumière du soleil
24 x 32 in (h x w)
heART of healthCARE
learning to crawl | apprendre à ramper , 2020
27 x 48 in (h x w)
Video Performance (Excerpt)
heART of healthCARE