
Check out www.i-citizen.net for more details!

Read more on i-citizen below.

i-Citizen is a virtual, worldwide community intended to improve lives through implementing more sensible, holistic approaches to how we live and interact.

i-Citizen is based on a simple and highly empowering premise–human nature is a reflection of its source code–nature herself. That we as humans–like the universe that created us; inherently seek balance, elation, and higher planes . Thus i-Citizen will shift society’s reward systems to emphasize the better side of human nature to achieve a more beneficial state of being.

i-Citizen will stimulate social and environment responsibility through first redefining humanity’s core values and than translating these same values into action throughout society via its culture. educational, media, and legislative organizations.

i Citizen’s effects will initially take hold through getting as many people as possible to make real changes in their lives now—through being more thoughtful, helping others more, conserving, giving something back. The combined effects of millions of people acting more mindfully contributing massively to a greater world for us and our kids.

On the back of these increasingly ingrained habits, i Citizen will morph progressively into a series of formal institutions over the coming years—ultimately a political party capable of carrying i citizen’s ideas forward, forever into the future.

We invite you to contributing to this good and noble effort.

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Jin Nua

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