If Star womxn lived here , 2020
24 x 38 in (h x w)
Laser etching and cut on handmade paper with deer leather


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Dimensions: 9" x 12" x 7"

Mikayla Patton is an Oglala Lakota artist born and raised on the Pine Ridge Reservation near the Black Hills of so called South Dakota. In 2019, Patton attained a Bachelor's of Fine Arts Degree in printmaking from the Institute of American Indian Arts. Her work has been exhibited at the Chiaroscuro Contemporary Gallery (Santa Fe); Texas Tech School of Art (Lubbock); All My Relations Gallery (Minneapolis); and the Rainmaker Gallery (Bristol). As of 2020, Patton has received the Goodman Aspiring Artist fellowship through Museum of Indian Arts and Culture; Artist in Business Leadership from First Peoples Fund; and the Ronald and Susan Dubin fellowship through the Indian Arts and Research Center. Currently based in Roswell N.M., she is working on a one year residency through the Roswell Artist-in-residence Foundation. Patton's work was recently on view in "Layered Voices:
Process and Paper in Contemporary Native American Art" at Texas Tech's Landmark Gallery.


The traveling trunk known as parfleche, plays an important role in many Plains tribes. Its purpose was vital during time of travel, it was needed to carry belongings and constructed in a way that became aesthetically useful. The embellishment of the parfleche was strongly painted by women with earth pigments and abstract symbolism. The designs could tell stories, dreams, experiences and where made for specific people. Though representative, the utilitarian trunk may also have been a spiritual form of map and record keeping of land through powerful line formations. Originally made from rawhide (animal skin beaten flat and dried until hard), parfleche is a significant thread of Lakota lineage, intersecting my ancestors' ingenuity with contemporary Lakota expression.

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Accola Griefen Fine Art

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