繪畫的藝術 The art of painting , 1666-1668
120 x 100 cm (h x w)
油彩布本 Oil on canvas

藝術史博物館藏品 | Collection of Kunsthistorisches Museum

這幅畫描繪了藝術家自己的背影,他在工作室裡正在畫一個藍色裝扮成模特兒的女人。模特兒坐在一扇窗戶旁邊,後面的牆上掛著一張荷蘭的大地圖。作品中沒有註明日期。大多數專家認為它是在 1665-1668 年間或在 1670-1675 年間完成的。作品中的服飾、石膏面具、布、桌子和皮革等物品都畫得非常細緻。大理石瓷磚地板和華麗的金色吊燈的表現是維米爾工藝的例子,展示了他的透視知識。每個物件都以不同方式反射或吸收光,從而獲得最準確的材質效果渲染。
In this work, Vermeer depicted a studio scene where the artist, with his back facing the spectator, is painting a woman clad in a blue costume posing as his model. The woman is sitting beside the window. In the background, there is a huge map of the Netherlands hanging on the wall. While the date of creation is not specified in the painting, many experts speculate that the work was produced between 1665 and 1668 or between 1670 and 1675. In the work, objects like the costume, plaster mask, cloth, table and so on are meticulously depicted. Vermeer's craftsmanship, as well as his mastery of perspective in the composition, are exemplified in the careful delineation of the floor paved with marble tiles and the glamourous chandelier. The rendering of varied textures of the objects, each of which reflects or absorbs the sunlight in different ways, is accurately executed.

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