彈鋼琴的少女 Young Girls at the Piano , 1892
99 x 112 cm (h x w)
油彩布本 Oil on canvas

法國巴黎奧賽美術館藏品| Collection of Musee d’Orsay, Paris

Produced in 1892, this painting depicts a scene of two young girls playing the piano, in which the complexions and facial expressions of the characters are exquisitely presented by Renoir. With the rosy cheeks and pale complexions vividly depicted, the picture offers a life-like representation of the young girls. Instead of defining the characters with contour lines, the painter uses varied colours as well as chiaroscuro to illustrate the two girls absorbed in playing the piano, endowing the picture with a sense of depth and dynamic qualities. Also, the picture rich in colour is characterised by a nonchalant air and a touch of glamour.

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