石家豪的文化生活──莊子 Chuang Tzu , 2010
75 x 50 cm (h x w)
彩色鉛筆印墨無酸紙板 Coloured pencil and printing ink on archival board

M+藏品| Collection of M+ Museum

The artist Wilson Shieh recalled: “When I was in high school, my Chinese literature teacher recommended me to read Zhuangzi. I remember reading one chapter from Zhuanzi in class and, with the teacher's explanation, I found it interesting. Then, I found an edition of Zhuangzi in a bookstore with an introduction, annotations, and translation in plain Chinese, which helped me to further explore the classical text with close reading. Zhuangzi’s writing is characterized by the use of allegory to illuminate his philosophical views. In the anthology, "Zhuangzi's Butterfly Dream" is a thought-provoking and well-known story as well as a good read for young readers. The story is about Zhuangzi dreaming about himself turning into a butterfly. The dream feels so real that, after he wakes up, he is still confounded by the thought that if he dreams about himself turning into a butterfly or the other way round? Would it be that the butterfly dreams about turning into Zhuangzi? I don't care much about if it is his interpretation of dreams. What interests me is that this thought-provoking story prompts me to rethink the logic of everyday life, allowing me to explore the boundless imagination stimulated by philosophical thoughts. I always find Zhuanzi’s philosophy a source of inspiration in my artistic career. I feel grateful that I had been enlightened by Zhuangzi's works.”

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