天文課 The Astronomy Lesson , 2007
48.3 x 61 cm (h x w)
油彩布本 Oil on canvas

私人收藏 | Private Collection

這幅作品是畫家描繪了兩個男孩在戶外吊椅上閱讀一本關於天文學的書。兒童肖像是畫家史蒂文經常畫的類別之一。 與同齡人一起學習既有趣又富有建設性。 這幅作品記錄了同伴們在課堂外的學習過程,有助於個人的成長。
This work depicts an idyllic scene in which two boys, leisurely sitting on a hammock chair, are reading a book about astronomy. Portrait of children is a common theme in the works of Steven Christopher Seward. Learning with peers is fun and beneficial to children’s development. This work shows how children learn outside the classroom with their peers, which is conducive to personal growth.

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