The Smell of Life
24 x 19 x 2 in (h x w x d)
500 USD
Ink and watercolor on rice paper
for sale

Original Artwork by Craig Steinmetz
Artist Statement:
Sumi-e literally means water and ink painting. The unforgiving rice paper reacts spontaneously with ink and color, capturing the beauty of my subjects. I look at it in a contemporary way. I think it absorbs the energy from my heart while it records the movement of my brush. When I paint, I focus on the creative progress, which is exhausting and yet rejuvenating.
My work is influenced by training that came from two Master artists and their Eastern philosophy towards beauty and the balancing play of yin and yang (positive and negative forces). The images are not photo-realistic yet they feel accessible, erupted with my emotions and passions. I strive to raise the appreciation of nature and capture the grandeur of the universe through my contemporary and sometimes abstract art. Explore with me the beauty of our world and experience the joy of being a part of it.

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