Digital Painting

Shuryo, is one of four of the Abstract Warrior Series. Leading his warriors to battle, fighting for what they believe is right. 101.6 x 101.6 cm Price varies on size of print. Prints are available for purchase on website.

Guatemala native, Carlos Lorenzana moved to Chicago with his family at age six and has cultivated an artful life for himself long since. During his youth, Carlos discovered Chicago's urban street art culture and used concrete and steel as his two main canvases. Strictly working with aerosol paint and markers, he defined his visual art as belonging to a vibrant non-objective world. After receiving an Associate's in Graphic Design at Robert Morris College, he declared it was time to experience larger mediums of style in digital art. Carlos continued his education of Computer Animation at the Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago and has since applied the significant importance of 3D texture, contrast, and depth, to his paintings.

Highly fascinated by ancient civilizations, religions, mythology, and spiritualism, Carlos Lorenzana's paintings aid to create an understanding of how all of these intersect to form a fluid consciousness. Carlos aspires to create art that audiences will reflect upon and use it as a means to search for their own understanding and connect to a global consciousness that leaves the object out of it.

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