Beyond The Fence , 2022
35 GBP
Acrylic on Wooden Panel

A self portrait. Tanya in her wheelchair. One of her crutches lays abandoned on the floor beside her. She sits there in dark green shadow in front of the closed gate. She gazes outwardly in the opposite view. The path behind leads the viewer to the view of the ancient mystical Stiperstones rocks in the far distance. Painted in monotone muted greens, the over scribble drawing gives this square artwork a sense of a sketchy moment of anticipation of what comes next.

Exhibited by:

Tanya’s Art Studios

Other works by Tanya Raabe-Webber

A Lovely View
Collage / Mixed Media
Tanya’s Art Studios
Text information board
Tanya’s Art Studios
A Golden View , 2022
Acrylic on Wooden Panel
Tanya’s Art Studios
Views Re-imagined: Pontesford/Earl's Hill from Nills Hill/Poles Coppice , 2022
Acrylic, Metal Leaf and Paint Pen on Board
Tanya’s Art Studios
Views Re-imagined: Stiperstones - The All Ability Views , 2022
Acrylic, Metal Leaf and Paint Pen on Board
Tanya’s Art Studios

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Tanya’s Art Studios
A Lovely View
Collage / Mixed Media
Tanya’s Art Studios
Closeup detail 3
Collage / Mixed Media
Tanya’s Art Studios
Closeup detail 2
Collage / Mixed Media
Tanya’s Art Studios