三十六曆 36 Calendars , 2013
62 x 42.2 x 1 cm (h x w x d)

作品中利用手繪畫出作者在記憶中過去36年 (1978-2013) 的歷史,並以掛曆方式展示出來。在每一個月份中他都會繪畫一件重大的歷史事件。

The artist employs hand drawing to record the historical moments of his life in the past 36 years (1978-2013) and displays it in the form of a wall calendar, in which a major historical event is represented with a drawing each month.
In addition to using personal experiences and social events to bring out the artist's views and values on different things, and expressing them through art creation, the artworks also represent the past with various historical moments, while illuminating the meaning of the passage of time. The artwork invites the audience to reflect on the meaning of time.

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