Legal Tender / Moneda corriente , 2022
92.5 x 278 in (h x w)
Ink, charcoal, gouache, gold leaf and collage on produce boxes / Tinta, carboncillo, hoja de oro y collage sobre cajas de cartón de productos

Courtesy of the Artist / Cortesía del artista

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Fruit Catcher I / Colector de frutas I , 2021-2022
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Ink, charcoal and gold leaf on produce cardboard boxes / Tinta, carboncillo y hoja de oro sobre cajas de cartón para productos
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Friends in Freshness / Amigos en frescura , 2017
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Ink, gouache, charcoal and collage on produce cardboard boxes / Tinta, carboncillo y collage sobre cajas de cartón de productos
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Farm Labor / Trabajo del campo , 2021
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Uniform , 2008
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Black tulle uniforms
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Untitled , 1961
20 x 22 in (h x w)
Gouache on paper
Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA)