Ibrida , Fernanda Olivares & Eduardo Ramírez

|Mexico DF, México|
This workshop is aimed to contemporary artists, makers, designers, and the worldwide creative community for learning and experimenting with technology aligned to their own processes. We use Virtual Reality, 3D Printing and scanning for a contemporary, new approach to drawing. By also remembering classical drawing methods, participants merge old and new tools of observation and thinking. Our workshop was born for creating bridges between the analog and the digital practice of fine arts in contemporary art spaces such as galleries and art schools.
Our educational program has a rally-like ludic structure: We divide 25 participants into groups of five to make three rounds using the five stations; each station represents a tool and a challenge for each process.
These classes open possibilities and new horizons to the creative community. By working with technology, the analog and digital conception of drawing becomes unified. The contrast between classical anatomical drawing methods like Bargue´s with the use of new technologies make students contextualize themselves and understand drawing as a way of thinking. Participants create differently and feel freedom when experimenting without technical constraints. We believe in the importance of art and technology coexisting, where a great opportunity lies in creating knowledge and contemporary art education methods. This workflow has been successful for connecting people to art experiences in different ways; a whole paradigm on education and Visual Art Teaching methods are applied and reinvented. We are currently moving this workshop worldwide upgrading and adding new tool such as AI practice with digital fabrication outputs. We are currently looking for partners, collaborators, and experimental spaces worldwide for trying our program.

Exhibited by:



Expositores Taller Fotografía Intermedia 2024-1 , 2024
Descripción Taller Fotografía Intermedia 2024-1 , 2024
María José Miranda - ballerina 2 , 2024
María José Miranda - ballerina 1 , 2024
Ingrid Hijar Bracamonte - ballerina , 2024