Achalasia , Tariq Rahman

I am currently a student at Immaculata University where I major in music therapy with a concentration in voice as my primary instrument. I have been singing since I was a freshman in high school. I continued to sing during the fight for a diagnosis and during treatments for achalasia, which involve strenuous work on the esophagus. In addition to singing, I enjoy playing the piano, guitar, ukulele, and percussion instruments.


Achalasia is a disease of the nerve and muscle function of the esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The normal motility function of the esophagus is to transfer the bolus of food from the throat in a coordinated fashion through the esophagus in the chest toward the abdomen. The LES then relaxes to allow the food to enter the stomach. In achalasia and other motility disorders of the esophagus, this highly coordinated neuromuscular activity is disrupted and results in characteristic symptoms.

The main symptom of achalasia is dysphagia, meaning difficulty in swallowing. This may manifest as a food sticking sensation or feeling of a delay of food passage in the throat, chest, or upper abdomen. This may start with, or be more severe with, certain foods or pills, but typically progresses to include most or all oral intake including liquids and solids.

Artist: Tariq Rahman

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