Vanitas-Sanitas® , 2023
w = 100, d = 2 cm
Paper, velvet, plastic, porcelain, glass

Congratulations! You graduated, once again. After receiving your high school, bachelor, masters, PhD, diplomas as well as other professional certifications.
So what? Does it make you a better person, a clever one?
According to HR institute in the UK, 36% of graduates are overqualified or stuck in low-skilled roles!
In this piece of art, the rest room is an allegory of the vanity of pursuing and endeless quest over diplomas, certification and external validation.
With Vanitas-Sanitas, we want to weigh the value of diplomas at the scale of narcissism, uselessness and mortality.
- Is there any remaining value in a diploma?
- Why do we tend to pile them up ?
- Is this a true expression of selfishness?
- Why are we doing this for?
- Does this make any sense anymore?
- Are diplomas more important than the person?
- Is it worth it?
- What is the value of a collection of diplomas at the end of your career ? At the end of your life ?
With VANITAS, we want to weigh the value of diplomas at the scale of narcissism, uselessness and mortality.

Exhibited by:

Art Thinking Network

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