報紙副刊目錄冊及香港作家及藝術家傳記資料庫參考書目 Information Books of Newspapers’ Supplements and Reference Sources of Hong Kong Writers and Artists Biographical Database
h = 100, d = 80 cm

Top: Information Books of Newspapers’ Supplements (from left to right)
Fan Sin-piu, Xiong Zhiqin, and Hoyan Hangfung Carole (eds.), Information book of “Xinqu” (New interest) in New Life Evening Post (1945-1976), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Literature Research Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008

Lo Wei-luen (ed.), Catalogue and Selected Materials of “Dahuitang” (City Hall) in Sing Tao Wan Pao, Hong Kong: Xianggang zhongwen daxue ziliao souji ji zhengli jihua, 1996

Hoyan Hangfung Carole, Cheung Wing-mui, Wong Nim-yan, and YeungChung-kee(eds.), Information Book of “A Study on the Supplements of the Overseas Chinese Daily News (1925.6.5-1995.1.12)”, Hong Kong: “A Study on the supplements of the Overseas Chinese Daily News” Project, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006

Chau Yuan-weng (ed.), An Annotated Bibliography of the Classical Writings of Hong Kong Poets, Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. (H.K.) Ltd, 2011

Ma Fai-hung (ed.), Hong Kong children literature writers’ bibliography, Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong University Library System, 2006

Liu Yichang (ed.), Bibliography on Hong Kong literature writers, Hong Kong: Urban Council Public Libraries, 1996

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