香港早期小報 Hong Kong Early Tabloid Newspapers
h = 120 cm


Planning for CUHK Library’s “Hong Kong Early Tabloid Newspapers" began in 2018; it was launched end of 2021. The project covers over 80 titles of mostly tabloids published from 1914 to 1993, including some that were regarded as mass-oriented newspapers. Phase 1 of the Collection features 4,673 issues of 16 titles, including Lih Pao, The Observatory Review, and Express. Phase 2 consists of 509 issues of 70 titles, including The Movie and Drama Fans Daily, Jin bao, and Luobinhan (The Robinhood).

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Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library