Conceal & Reveal , 2023

For the final piece, I used watercolour and graphite. For the watercolour, I used the same techniques as I

had done in the last few samples. By applying a lot of water, the paint was able to spread in a more natural way, creating a cool effect, while also giving it a sort of water effect. Moreover, it allowed for the different colours and intensities of colours to blend and overlap. However, this time I had drawn a rough sketch of a shape to apply the water to. This was better than allowing the paint to randomly go wherever, as it allowed for enough space for the graphite section.

The concept of this piece is about the difference between the two worlds- underwater and above water- as well as the contrast in perspectives that humans and dolphins have. The colourful sections of water depict what humans see, as well as resembling the ‘human’ world. This contrasts with what the dolphins

see, as well as ‘their’ world. This piece gives both perspectives, contrasting them with each other.

Moreover, the contrast in textures further emphasises the concept of this existing contrast.

Furthermore, I also used acrylic paint for both gold and silver paint. The silver paint creates the ‘ripples’ seen in the water, while the gold shows the effect of light. However, the gold also helps break a bit of the
colour, and seemingly unifying the piece.

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