Powering the Future , 2023

My aim with this illustrated poster about plants generating electricity is to showcase the innovative
ways in which nature can provide us with sustainable sources of energy. By depicting various types
of cacti and leafy plants, I hope to convey the diversity of bioelectric systems that are being explored
and developed by scientists around the world.
Through the use of vibrant colours and bold outlines, I have tried to capture the energy and
dynamism of these living organisms, which are not only beautiful but also capable of producing
electricity. I hope that this poster will inspire people to look at plants in a new light and appreciate the
many ways in which they can benefit our society.
Ultimately, my goal is to raise awareness about the potential of bioenergy and encourage more
investment and research in this field. By harnessing the power of plants, we can reduce our
dependence on fossil fuels and move towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.

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