Bringers of death, givers of life , 2023

Fungi are eukaryotic organisms ubiquitous on Earth. Possessing the ability to convert organic matter into carbon dioxide and small molecules, fungi are Earth's decomposers - plant colonialization, solubilising and delivering essential compounds for pant growth (phosphorous, nitrogen, micronutrients, and water). Fungi are affected both directly and indirectly though the effects of organisms they are associated with. As a key player in the fundamental role of nutrient cycling and exchange in the ecosystem, fungi regulate key ecosystem processes and support the functioning systems of major ecosystems. Most of fungi’s influence on its environment are microscopic and do not usually produce structures that are visible to the naked eye.

The inconspicuous nature of fungi has not attracted much attention as compared to other organism kingdoms and as a result, little is known of their biology and subsequently, their importance and conservation has been overlooked. While most of our attention and efforts are directed towards the role of flora and fauna in biodiversity conservation, we have gravely missed the most important agent that fundamentally influences the conservation of our dear plants and animals.

We should not ignore fungi just because we cannot see most of them. When considering the conservation of biology on a grand scale, we should consider all the roles of organisms that have been heavily intertwined in their ecologies.

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