Autumn FLow
555 GBP
Oil on Canvas


Lisa Lockett lives in St.Louis, Missouri, USA where she works in her art studio painting portraits, landscapes and abstracts. She started drawing as far back as she can remember but wouldn’t return to art until later in life after receiving her Bachelor degree in Journalism and Design, owning a design firm in the University Club Tower, and working a brief two year stint writing and designing for a prominent law firm in St.Louis. Inspired by the great masters of the Renaissance, Rembrandt in particular, Lisa employs the Chiaroscuro technique of applying high contrast of dark and light tonal values to her paintings. This, in combination of using bold, painterly brush strokes sets her style in the genre of Realism with a touch of Expressionism. She is influenced by her father, a child prodigy and a bit eccentric, who told Lisa that she has a gift in art and can do anything she sets her mind to. Lisa, described as a dreamer by her parents and teachers, loves the creative process of developing ideas for her paintings and oftentimes has a hard time putting her work down. She tends to make the abstract a reality with the intent of capturing a moment in time. Her style is always evolving as she takes in the environment around her. She draws from live models and photographs that she has taken and sometimes doesn’t know which direction the painting will take until she actually starts the process. Lisa draws freehand with a very distinctive style. She considers herself to be an emotional painter hoping to impart deep feelings on people from her art.

Exhibited by:

Influx Gallery

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