Patchwork and Val Verde County Fairgrounds Redevelopment , 2023
74 x 44 x 1 in (h x w x d)
Installation Mixed-Media, Drawing, Digital Drawing

This studio project was made as part of a series of installations by Diane Fellows’ 2023 Borders, Boundaries, and the Imaginary studio. Inspired by patchwork quilts made by my great-grandmother, this installation expands upon one of those quilts and takes a look into my family history and focuses on the lives of my paternal grandparents, my dad, and myself. Each vertical panel looks onto the central display where the paper patches fall into the quilt just as individual moments come into and are sewn into the fabric of my life.
Crafted from various household materials including construction paper, fabric scraps, and canvas this installation represents the moments in time that each come together to form the patchwork quilt of life.
In my life there have been a multitude of formative moments that made me the person I am today, from singular events to joining ensembles to longer periods of my life.
This installation is dedicated to my dad, Mike Parks; my grandparents, Gene and Juanita Parks; my family; and everyone who has helped me become the person I am today.

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