Couplet, Philippe (trans.). Confucius Sinarum philosophus, sive, Scientia Sinensis Latine exposita.柏應理譯《中國聖賢孔子》 , 1687
h = 75, d = 50 cm

Couplet, Philippe (trans.). Confucius Sinarum philosophus, sive, Scientia Sinensis Latine exposita. Parisiis: Apud Danielem Horthemels, Viâ Jacobaeâ, sub Maecenate, 1687.

柏應理譯《中國聖賢孔子》,巴黎:Apud Danielem Horthemels, Viâ Jacobaeâ, sub Maecenate,1687。

This book is the first and authoritative early modern European translation of three of the Four Books (Lunyu, Daxue and Zhongyong). The preface provides an overview of the Chinese literary-philosophical canon, its primary interpreters, and the approach of Jesuit missionaries to Chinese culture. The other prefatory text of note is an extensive life of Confucius, and explicitly identifies Confucius as a “philosopher” (philosophus) and the “Chinese leader in philosophy” (princeps philosophiae), thereby inserting Confucius into an identifiable scholarly category. The book is considered a monument of Western Sinology.


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