Amma: Silent Echoes of a Matriarch , 2023
270 x 480 cm (h x w)
sound, interview, voice recording

Amma: Silent echoes of a matriarch, is a two sided point-of-view on motherhood and how its often disregarded. Being a mother usually means losing their own individuality and turning mundane house-work as their new reality. A work of a mother often gets lost in those four walls we call home.

Having to move abroad and leaving behind my mom, gave me a new prescriptive on all that she had sacrificed and done for us. Though miles apart, our hearts have never been more connected.

Other works by Salvia Sany

Unsend Letter Stuck in My Drafts , 2023
archival materials, writing
What I Always Wanted To Say
Amma: Silent Echoes of a Matriarch , 2023
texts and images, archival materials
What I Always Wanted To Say
Amma: Silent Echoes of a Matriarch , 2023
texts and images, sound, photography, videography
What I Always Wanted To Say
Amma: Silent Echoes of a Matriarch , 2023
What I Always Wanted To Say
If I Ever Dreamed , 2023
350 x 220 cm (h x w)
What I Always Wanted To Say

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Look in the Mirror , 2024
What I Always Wanted To Say
Moments of Calm in the Storm of Anxiety , 2024
3d design
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Moments of Calm in the Storm of Anxiety , 2024
3d design
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Hymns for Mothers: Navigating Pregnancy through TouchDesigner's Lens , 2024
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What They Would Have Wanted To Say , 2024
Interactive Map
What I Always Wanted To Say