Lord Alex , 2023
60 x 42 x 1 in (h x w x d)
Mixed Media

“Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward in the same direction.”

-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

This quote from Terre des Hommes (translated into English as Wind, Sand and Stars) by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry expresses a deeper understanding of love beyond the traditional romantic notion. It speaks to the idea that true love is not simply about admiring someone's physical appearance or being infatuated with them, but rather it is about having a shared purpose and direction in life.

In today's society, there is often pressure to find "the one" and have a picture-perfect relationship. However, this quote reminds us that true love goes beyond surface-level qualities and instead focuses on something more meaningful and long-lasting.

Furthermore, it highlights the importance of mutual growth and support in a relationship. When two people are looking outward in the same direction, they are not only focused on themselves but also on their joint future and goals.

In this piece, Lord Alex, which is my husband Alex and his - yes, a real Scottish Lord Title - "Lord" add-on, has become an ongoing joke between us as "Lord and Lady." Yes, he got me the official title, too.

Despite surviving a variety of life's hurdles, people who had been intent on sabotaging us individually or collectively, we've held each other tight through some terrible storms. This quote reminds me that part of creating your own personal "Paradiso," is having a strong network of people who love you and share a vision for what the future should look like.

A partner who stands by your side, not just during the good times but also during the challenging ones, is a true testament to the power of love. In the end, creating your own Paradiso on earth is not about rose-colored lenses or ignoring the problems, it's also about being conscious and intentional about where we direct our energies.

So let us remember that true love is not found by gazing into each other's eyes, but rather by looking forward together on the same path towards a shared future. This kind of love is worth fighting for and cherishing every day. As Saint-Exupéry suggests, it is this kind of love that will lead us to our own personal paradise.

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