Fashion , 2023

I wanted to pursue a career in design and creation of fashion before starting this foundation, integrating my environmental science A level, I want to be part of the zero-waste fashion industry and recycling of materials.

The project covers two main points: reuse within fashion, and, the cycle of trends where parts of history have been melded into current and future designs. I intended to push myself into creating textiles from other textiles to make them unique and more interesting, and I wanted to incorporate patchwork and statement elements.

I really enjoyed looking at history and researching the garments that were made so delicately and how they could survive and be reused for decades after being made. I found current garment creation falls short in quality and causes immense environmental impact. I asked myself the question, how has our society shifted from quality construction to over consumerism of low-quality things?.

The amount of greenwashing that I discovered led me to search books and journals to try and find artists who had more integrity.

The most challenging part of this particular outfit was creating the patchwork on the top; what I learnt from my research into compositions I managed to work out how different shapes compliment others and balance each other out.

With the skirt it took a lot of trial and error to create the drape I wanted with the different pieces but after each little adjustment it slowly began to look like my initial drawing.

A very topical theme and one that takes a lot of research and understanding to complete to this level. Sustainability may not be anything new, but to achieve high end results on such a theme takes a lot skill and knowledge. Garments were wonderfully made and the branding and storytelling that also enriched this project was a huge achievement. Research and planning for this was very well intended and we think it deserves a spot on a wall of fame and a chance for your student vote! Well done Sienna!

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Other works by Sienna Hodges

Fashion , 2023

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