Level 2 Art and Design

I based my project on the theme sculpture. The theme was
called Fashion as sculpture, wearable art. I explored fashion as
wearable art through research of nature taking pictures,
drawing sketches, experimenting with various medias. I made
a sculptural piece of art that was 3D and could be worn.
I used nature and its textures, natural forms and shapes to
make my sculptural fashion project. My final piece was a top
hat sculpture that could be worn. My hat is made out of wire,
wool, felt and yarn using alot of natural materials. I knitted and
crocheted the embellishments and I made the felt for my hat
from scratch using a wet felting method out of wool fluff.
The seasonal colour palette I chose was autumn because
bright warm tones of orange, yellows, brown and reds. I love
the different tones in the fallen leaves and pumpkins my size of
my hat is 25cm tall, 30cm wide at the rim of the hat and 18 cm
at the top. I have enjoyed making this piece I think it reflects
the warmth, shapes and textures of autumn well

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Level 2 Art and Design , 2023
Level 2 Art and Design
Level 2 Art and Design
Level 2 Art and Design
Level 2 Art and Design