The Woman In The Safeway Store (part 2) , 2023
Short Story

The Woman In The Safeway Store
Weekday, 7:00 A.M. A bit of a rush hour beyond, I thought.
A breath of warmth rushed past the nape of my neck as I,
stood in line waiting to pay for a short grocery list: (a loaf,
of wheat bread, half gallon of milk, a quart size, chocolate,
milk, a jar of organic peanut butter, strawberry jam and,
peach jam.)
As I stood in line waiting patiently for the elderly woman,
in front of me to count out her pennies and dimes to pay,
for a large pumpkin pie and three cans of cat food, behind,
me the soles from shoes tapping impatiently against the,
concrete floor.
I heard a grunting relief coming from their overly anxious,
body for standing in a line waiting to pay for their small,
purchase (a dozen of donuts) to the cashier instead of,
using the self-service line to pay the cash and credit card,
machine directly.
I noticed the older woman’s hands trembling as she,
moved the pennies like chess pieces into sets of fives and,
dimes into sets of tens.
I noticed the cashier getting a bit bothered, the unusual,
tension exerted look on his face as though the woman was,
taking too long.
The failure of empathy for another human being I thought,
was distasteful by these subtle uncertainties around me.
So, I reached into my pocket, counting silently how much,
money I had exactly, because there was only fourteen days,
left in the month before I was going to get paid again on,
the third.
It was then I realized that I didn’t have enough money to,
pay for hers and all of mines.
I said to the cashier, put her four items on my receipt but,
subtract the quart size chocolate milk and the jar of,
organic peach jam.
He said to me, Are you sure?
Why yes, I’m sure, without hesitation.
After he rung up the purchases, the woman cried as she,
shuffled her head unto my shoulders, thanking me over,
and over for my kindness.
The cashier thanked me too as though I had forgotten his,
mean spirit earlier towards the older woman. I kindly,
reminded him softly, that patients and kindness to all is a,
given and must not be a burden unto others.
Apologizing with, You’re right.
As for the overly anxious customers standing behind me,
they had to wait a bit longer, because the cashier’s shift,
I thought to myself, Karma is certainly the *itch in this,

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Path with Art

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