What They Would Have Wanted To Say , 2024
Interactive Map

The migration route across the Mediterranean Sea from the Libyan coast to Sicily is the most traveled in the world. It is also the most the most murderous.
"What they would have wanted to say" is an interactive map that shows just some of the words from survived migrants who arrived at the other part of the liquid border to tell their stories. Others, more than 28,800 registered from 2014 in the whole Mediterrenean Sea, could not. But the stories were the same also for them. The aim of the project is to highlight a different way of data visualisation, which usually show just numbers and anonymous shapes. This map tries to put a value on that almost infinite number of dead and lost in the waters of the Sicilian route.
The same happens in the rest of the Mediterranean Sea, almost every day. The choice of the Sicilian route, besides being the most murderous route in the entire Mediterranean, it also has a personal motivation. Born in Palermo, although not so close to the northern coast of Sicily the artist have always been assailed by almost daily reports of such numbers and incidents. What she have always wanted (to say) is to give a voice and a name to such numbers.

The numbers on the dots show just some of the dead and missing migrant, took them from the data of missingmigrantprogram.iom . The stories narrated are a collection of several survived migrants interviews from different article and project:

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