Vision concept board , 2014
100 x 50 x 2 in (h x w x d)
Graphic Design

Vision Design board:

My Visions range from different states of research.
I'm currently working on what I've seen in Visionary States into Visual Art.

One of my ways to design is creating concept designs, I'm happy to share these with you.

I did not know the level of intensity on how my visions come on.

This is why I'm patient with my Interpretations.

• This is why we must always sit with what we go through before we share.

Note: I drink a lot of Nootropics.
I'm finding strong amounts of clarity to memorise these experiences & how well I'm cognitively responding in those experiences.

• Charles Darwin came through one of my visions.
I question is this some kind of Memory stream in our collective consciousness.

The other possibility is contact with the afterlife.

Anyways, what I found my self asking him was:
"Have you ever eaten mushrooms?"

Charles Darwin:
"You mean the one eyed jelly?"

Then the Vision ended.

I kind of wish this one lasted longer.

The exchange and point of conversation was on point to even bring that topic into conversation.
Yet that's what we spoke about.

Another Vision came through:
I entered a Light white space,
3 cats walked through a golden glowing door way.

The first Cat that came through was showing me how beautiful their fur and appearance was and to take all of my attention away.

What I was thinking?
I really want that cat.

The third Cat that illuminated in light walked straight up to me,
That Cat was my Cat.

I haven't seen her in 4/5 years.

She was called Pippy.

I loved her so much.

She looked straight up at me and sat down.

I have no idea how it was possible, she was able to talk to me through her thoughts. The Vision was strong in Clairvoyance.

She said:
I've missed you so much.
Where have you been?

I fell to my knee's.
Because I couldn't even believe what I was seeing.
The intimacy was that strong.

As she came closer,
I placed my head on her as she placed her paw in my hand and I stroked behind her ears, holding back tears.

I told her:
"It's been a long time hasn't it, I've missed you so much to."

I felt like I was being reunited, like I was being shown by someone. Some kind of test.

Even to go a step further, that our Animals also think about us in ways we haven't understood.

We think of our selves as the ones to only have these kind of experiences.

The entire vision was unexpected.
I woke up breathing deep.

What I contemplate even to this day is where our sense of self goes when we sleep.

These came on after I came back from drinking Ayahuasca.

I've been monitoring my own states of self in these experiences.

Some nights come in waves in volumes of strengths.

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