Assynt Rising
Category Landscape

Shot in Pro mode and Rear Wide camera, at 1/1500s ISO 50 and f1.8 and DNG file. Edited in phone on Lightroom Mobile. This winter tree was hanging over Loch Assynt in the North West Highlands of Scotland while I walked its shores one day in February. The reflected side light and dark waters behind jumped out at me when I first saw it. When I saw the image though, I was surprised at how the background had morphed into a storm like mountainscape as the clouds reflected in the calm ripples of the Loch and the deep dark depths created peak like shapes. With my major photography gear in the car at the time, I was only equipped with my phone as I took a break from shooting, while the sun was a little harsh at midday. I'm always comfortable carrying only my phone, as I know it can produce fantastic images especially when shot in Pro and DNG mode, giving me full control of what I'm trying to create and edited in Lightroom Mobile.

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