30 x 38 x 3 in (h x w x d)

Frank Pierson, enlisted in the service back in 2006. Within 11 months of joining, he found himself deployed to Iraq. Serving as a driver for convoys, he held the crucial position of lead driver. Prior to his deployment, Frank experienced a premonition of his accident. While driving a new vehicle, he sensed that something was amiss. Unfortunately, his intuition proved tragically accurate when he drove over an Unidentified Explosive Device, resulting in the loss of his limbs.

Throughout his journey, Frank's unwavering support system has consisted of Arielle, Maureen, and Leo, his six-year-old dog who remains his constant companion. In the background of his portrait, I depicted his support system, alongside photos of his many tattoos, which serve as reminders of his journey and experiences.

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