12000 EUR
Oil on Canvas, 90X70 cm
for sale

Website: https://artarianna.com/
Driven by a profound sense of purpose, Arianna De Simone's mission as an artist extends beyond the canvas. With a heartfelt commitment to making a positive impact, particularly on children, her art is a beacon of joy and inspiration. Arianna's vision is to spread love and happiness through her creations, igniting smiles and touching hearts around the world.

In line with this mission, Arianna pledges that 30% of each sale will be dedicated to charity, supporting the invaluable work of Doctors Without Borders. By contributing to such a noble cause, Arianna seeks to extend the reach of her art beyond mere aesthetics, fostering hope and healing where it is needed most. Through her dedication to both her craft and the betterment of society, Arianna De Simone embodies the transformative power of art, enriching lives and illuminating the world with compassion and generosity.
Arianna De Simone is an Italian artist born and raised in Rome, who has always had a deep connection with art. From a young age, she found solace in painting, using it as a means to escape from the realities of life. Despite facing opposition, such as a disapproving nun in her primary school, Arianna's passion for art only grew stronger.

After attending the Art school Silvio D'Amico and IED in Rome, where she studied graphic design and illustration, Arianna found herself in a country that often stifled artistic dreams unless one came from a wealthy background. However, she never let go of her creative spirit, seizing any opportunity she had to paint and express herself.

Throughout her life, Arianna has lived in various countries, including Italy, Switzerland, England, and Malta. It was in the Netherlands, the birthplace of renowned artist Vermeer, that she finally felt a sense of belonging and rekindled her love for painting.

Arianna's artistic style is characterized by its lack of conformity. She believes in following her instincts and desires, allowing her creativity to flow freely. Whether it's painting a flower, creating abstract pieces, or even burning a drawing, Arianna embraces the freedom to explore different forms of expression.

Music plays a significant role in Arianna's life and serves as a constant source of inspiration. Musicians and their melodies act as her muses, driving her to communicate her emotions and thoughts through her art. As she continues to grow as an artist, Arianna sees painting as a language that transcends barriers, allowing her to communicate with others on a profound level.

Arianna De Simone's journey as an artist has been one of resilience and self-discovery. Through her art, she seeks to capture the essence of her experiences, emotions, and the beauty she finds in the world. With each stroke of the brush, Arianna embraces the infinite language of art, constantly evolving and expressing herself in new and exciting ways.

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