Menanti , 2024
42 x 59.4 x 3 cm (h x w x d)
Mix Media

Visualizing the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) through the lens of an elderly woman selling vegetables on the street floor with the assistance of robots offers a poignant juxtaposition of tradition and modernity. Here's how this scene might unfold:

As the sun rises over the bustling streets of a Malaysian city, the familiar sight of a weathered, elderly woman sets up her stall on the corner. With her gnarled hands, she arranges vibrant arrays of fresh vegetables grown in her own small garden. Despite the modern skyline towering above her, she remains a steadfast symbol of tradition, her presence a reminder of the country's agricultural roots.

However, there's a twist to her timeless routine. Beside her, moving with mechanical precision, are her faithful companions: a robots. These sleek machines, equipped with advanced sensors and algorithms, assist her in various tasks, from lifting heavy crates to organizing produce. With a gentle hum, they glide across the pavement, seamlessly integrating into the rhythm of the street.

The elderly woman, while initially wary of the robots, has come to rely on their help. With their assistance, she can manage her workload more efficiently, allowing her to focus on engaging with customers and sharing stories of the old days. Despite her age, she embraces the technology, recognizing its potential to enhance rather than replace her livelihood.

For the elderly woman, however, the message is clear: in a rapidly changing world, there is value in honoring the past while embracing the future. As she exchanges smiles and pleasantries with her customers, she embodies the spirit of adaptation and perseverance that defines Malaysia's journey through the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

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