Garden in the middle of the city , 2024
59.4 x 42 x 3 cm (h x w x d)
Mix Media

The garden in the middle of the city of Kuala
Lumpur became the main source of inspiration for
this work of art. Through this painting, I want to
explore the harmonious unity between nature and
rapid urbanization. The green expanse of the
garden provides an interesting contrast with the tall
building structure, creating a soothing view and
showing the importance of ecological balance in the context of modern urban development.
By depicting the lush plant life and diversity of
flower colors, I try to convey the message of
natural beauty that remains alive in the midst of
urban progress. This garden is not only a place of
recreation, but also a focal point in preserving
environmental sustainability and providing the
green space needed to maintain the balance of the city's ecosystem.
In the technical aspect, I chose a detailed painting
technique to highlight the diversity of flora in this
garden, as well as using a combination of bright
colors to create an atmosphere full of vitality. With
this work, I hope the audience can feel the beauty
of nature in the middle of the urban bustle, as well
as reflect on the complex relationship between humans and their environment.

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