40 x 30 x 4 in (h x w x d)

Norman Frajman: "When I die there will be no one to take my place. I am one of the younger survivors, and, if I do not educate now as to what the Holocaust was about, then history will lose. My survival was beshert. The Almighty had plans for me to survive". I was born n in the city of Warsaw, which was occupied by the Germans in 1939. I was ten years old. I saw and experienced the heroic Warsaw Ghetto uprising in 1943 and was taken, together with my mother and sister and other members of my extended family, to the Majdanek death camp. My mother and sister perished there. I was shipped to the Skarzysko concentration camp where I worked as a slave laborer in an ammunitions factory. The next stop for me was at the infamous Buchenwald. As the Russians neared the camp, I was forced on a death march. I was fifteen when the Russian troops brought Liberation, and I spent a bit of time then working as an interpreter. I spent some time in a displaced persons camp in Germany before coming to the United States, where I had an uncle. My father survived the war as a political prisoner in the Soviet Union. We were reunited after the war, having been separated for twenty-two years. Norman retired to Florida seven years ago and today speaks extensively at schools, colleges, and houses of worship. He is passionate about disseminating the greatest tragedy known to mankind during the Holocaust. He hopes his message will serve as a deterrent to prevent future Holocausts from happening. In the background of the portrait is the jacket he wore at the Buchenwald concentration camp. He considers the jacket to be a survivor as well. Norman became a Bar Mitzvah at the synagogue in Auschwitz in 2003 during the March of the Living for educators. He declares, “It took me sixty years, but it is better late than never. Now I can consider myself a full-fledged Jew.”

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Wilma Bulkin Siegel
12 x 16 x 2 in (h x w x d)
Wilma Bulkin Siegel
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Wilma Bulkin Siegel
12 x 16 x 2 in (h x w x d)
Wilma Bulkin Siegel