40 x 30 x 4 in (h x w x d)

Rosette Goldstein: “Man is his own worst enemy. I do not want it to happen again, but it is”. I was born in Paris, France to Polish parents who met in an orphanage. My parents had been sent to Germany and later immigrated to France where they married. I was born while my father was in the French Army. When the Nazis entered Paris, he was sent to work in a concentration camp. (There were twenty-three concentration camps in France during World War II.) He convinced a farm family in the area to hide me. One time, when my mother visited me, my father left camp and the Nazis came to the farm. My mother fled to Paris, and my father returned to the camp. I never saw him again. The farm family kept me hidden from the Nazi soldiers who came to the farm for food. I was hidden until the end of the war. At that time. my mother took me back to Paris. In 1949, I came to the United States on the ocean liner, Queen Elizabeth. I was ten years old and came to live with my aunt in Manhattan. My mother came to the United States the following year. She married and then divorced. I found that my father died in Buchenwald after also being in Auschwitz. He helped a man survive. and this man later told me of his bravery. I visited the subcamp of Buchenwald where my father died and said Kaddish there. I became a pastry chef in a restaurant. which my son-in-law and I now own. Three years ago, I went to France and was present at a ceremony to honor the farm family who saved my life. Yad Vashem awarded them the "Righteous Gentile" medal. Rosette plans to go with her eldest granddaughter on the March of the Living and states, "I am getting older, and she will be my voice after I am gone. We must hand down the knowledge of the Holocaust to our grandchildren so that it cannot be denied. "

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