Casas Domo

⬤ Artist(s) & Author(s): Corina Arrieta
⬤ Publisher: Arquitectura y fantasía
⬤ Price: 20 € + shipping (to Europe 60 €, I’m in Argentina)
⬤ Language(s): Spanish
⬤ Pages: 20
⬤ Size: 25x30 cm (closed)
⬤ Edition: Undetermined
⬤ Year: 2017
⬤ Print: Inkjet
⬤ Binding: Staple binding
⬤ Tags: contemporary art, architecture, photography, archive, internet
⬤ About Publication: Casas barco, along with Casas pirámide, Casas domo and Dome homes, take part in the series “Casas con forma de cosas”[Houses shaped like things]. In these, the format of the book represents in a literal way the shape of the houses inside it. The photographs, taken from the internet, depict different examples from all over the world.
⬤ Publication’s online store link:

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