Unbroken , 2023
24 x 20 in (h x w)
Acrylic on textured canvas


Daughter of immigrant parents ,mother from Italy and father from Hungary, raised in the UK, later moving to the USA. Art was Lidia's escape from some of her family struggles as they emerged from the challenges that her post WWII refugee parents faced as they tried to create a life, a future for their children. Totally self taught, turning her hand and paintbrush to many different forms of art, flitting in and out of this creativity as time and opportunity allowed. It was always healing to paint and draw.

When she arrived in the USA, almost 30 years ago, she bought her first husky. A stunning and devoted Alaskan Malamute called Sasquatch. Huskies were to become an integral part of her life purpose. At this time she also began painting again. She painted murals, tall murals, on buildings, on large pieces of wood. She painted welcome signs, furniture... you name it, she painted it ! Her art was always for other people, yet to find her true voice as an artist, to paint what was within and needing to be witnessed. It was during this time she had a deep spiritual awakening which came through a physical challenge and difficulty. As an athlete, this challenge left her unable to pursue her physical activities and so... she painted. This experience and many of her life experiences and struggles, totally changed what and how she painted. Overcoming obstacles, she found her voice and was no longer afraid to share it.


For many years I painted purely for myself. I labelled myself 'The Closet Artist' as I never really painted much for myself and if I did, I never shared it. Then one day, I flew... I flew out of the closet and started showing my art to the world. I put aside self doubt, stopped comparing myself to other artists, though difficult as I have had no formal teaching and felt insecure, but I had faith in my spiritual awakening, that my art had fled the nest for a reason and for a greater purpose.

My many years as a Mystic, Reiki Master and as a Musher, influenced my art. What started with a love of huskies and the wilderness, slowly became my purpose alongside my teachings and guided healings as a Reiki Master. I soon understood that I could help bring more comfort to many more people through my art images than I could in person and so my art defined a greater purpose for me at that time. I felt the need to share images of spirit guides, of women feeling safe and supported. These images were to share an unconditional love between animal and woman whether a husky, a wolf or animal spirit guide.

My wish is to fill the viewer with inspiration, healing, high vibration and deep connection to the image, colors, texture and message. That the image touches their soul. Art has given me courage. I get braver every day through embracing mistakes on the canvas, then allowing them to show me that they are not really mistakes, but lessons in disguise. Through art, I have learned to trust my inner voice.

NH / United States

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